Combatting Cybercrime
- Change your passwords (managers and staff) at least once a month.
- Make sure you implement a regular (at least once a month) virus scan.
- Be wary when you deal with suppliers who have Gmail, Yahoo or similar email addresses.
- Check for spelling mistakes in email addresses, e.g. vs
- If you receive a request to change bank details, pick up the phone and double-check the validity of the rest.
- Don’t accept that the email address is legitimate and from someone you know. Fraudsters have access to fake mailer websites which they can use to mimic an email address. If malware has been loaded onto your machine, they can also use what they learn from your correspondence to defraud you.
- If you are uncertain about something and feel something isn’t right, raise it – doesn’t matter how stupid you think it is.
- Don’t accept flash drives from just anyone. Be wary of where you get these from?
- Don’t click on any suspicious links in an email.
- Invest in a firewall that will protect you against phishing emails if you can.
ASATA is pleased to welcome Christo Snyman back for further webinars on combatting cybercrime, internal fraud and other threats to your business. Should you have any suggestions for additional topics, please email us <insert link to>.