Jet Airways terminates Mumbai to Johannesburg

Jet Airways sent a notification to the trade on Monday the 7th of May, 2012 advising that they shall be terminating the Mumbai to Johannesburg route with effect from the 12th of June, 2012.

Whilst we are hearing of a myriad of reasons as to their decision we have had no formal notification as yet.

ASATA has made contact with Rogers Aviation, the General Sales Agent for Jet Airways, who advised that they too are awaiting further instructions with respect to the re-protection of alternative services.

It is obviously more preferred that passengers are provided with alternative flights as opposed to refunds,  which inevitably may not cover the cost of a new booking.

In addition, we have made contact with IATA who acknowledge the termination of this route but who also confirmed that Jet Airways remain a participant of the South African Billing and Settlement Plan.

We will keep you posted of any further developments.