SAA BSP Link refund process reactivated
Following information previously shared with members, ASATA has received the following update from SAA regarding the reactivation of the BSP Link refund process:
In line with the commitment the airline made to you, our valued partners, I would like to inform you that the SAA BSP Link refund process will be reactivated with immediate effect. The GDS refund process will however remain suspended until further notice.
It is also important to note that whilst the ability to apply for refunds is enabled through the reactivation of the BSP Link, the measure is intended to support the airline to consolidate and quantify its un-flown ticket exposure. This is a necessary step to assist SAA plan for future activities, including the management of the voucher process.
Also, the validity of all un-flown tickets will be extended until the 31st of March 2023. Because of the extension, there is no need to apply for a credit note/voucher, the ticket can be re-issued for future travel dates once we resume operations.
We will provide an update on the resumption of operations as soon as the ongoing processes are concluded.