Code of Conduct
Booking Procedures and Travel Documents
The Reason for our code
ASATA is a voluntary association established to represent and secure the interests of our members.
We also play an active role in the international travel community and among travel associations to promote transformation among members, as well as the travel industry.
Our code sets out the minimum standards that we and our members must follow and is aligned with our core values of:
- Ethical conduct
- Professional service
- Trustworthiness
- Servant leadership
The code is not intended to cover all situations that may arise or all legislative requirements. Rather, it is a guide that directs our behaviour and helps us and our members make the right decisions.
We will all be held to the same standards of conduct set out in this code.
To view the ASATA Code of Conduct, click here.
Members shall ensure that their Customers have access to all booking and other conditions applicable to their Travel Arrangements before a booking contract is signed or agreed to.
Members are to provide, on request, access to any booking conditions that apply to the transaction.
When conducting business as a Retail Travel Agent, ASATA Members shall ensure that they pass on to the Consumer all relevant confirmations and documentations from the Partners and / or suppliers intended for the Consumer.
ASATA Members will make available details about terms and conditions of any travel service or product, including cancellation and service fee obligations, before accepting payment for the booking or before a booking contract is signed or before a booking is accepted.
ASATA Wholesalers will promptly advise the Retail Travel Agent or Consumer who reserved the space of any change in itinerary, services, features or price. If substantial changes are made that are written within the control of the operator, the Consumer will be allowed to cancel without penalty unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions of the operator.
ASATA Members will promptly (within 7 (seven) working days of receipt of the documentation or request for refund) submit any refund documentation or requests to the Partner or supplier provided that the refund meets the timeframe as outlined in the terms and conditions of the Partner or supplier.
ASATA Members will remit any undisputed funds under their control within 7 (seven) working days to the Consumer in respect of refunds.
If a delay in providing the funds is experienced, reasons will be given to the claimant.
Passport, Visa & health documentation:
Members are to inform Consumers that health, visa and passport documentation may be required for their journey, and that the acquiring of valid documentation is the responsibility of the Consumer.
Members shall advise the Consumer of passport, visa, health and other entry and transit documents required for the journey where it is reasonably practicable for the Member to do so, OR the Member shall offer the Consumer reasonable assistance in accessing such information. Such information or assistance is to be provided in sufficient time for the Consumer to obtain such documentation, or at the time of booking.
Members shall draw the Consumer’s attention to the availability of insurance cover for their travel requirements before the date of travel commencement.
Advertising Guidelines
ASATA Members will ensure that all Consumer advertising contains fully inclusive prices in accordance with the ASATA Advertising Guidelines policy.
ASATA Members will not discredit other Members in the public domain either by press editorial, advertising material or any other means.
ASATA Members are bound to use the ASATA logo in their communication in accordance with the ASATA corporate identity guidelines.
In the event of a dispute between a Member and a Consumer, all correspondence from ASATA should be dealt with within the following time limits, in accordance with the ASATA Complaint Procedure:
An acknowledgement shall be sent no later than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the dispute in writing to the Consumer from ASATA.
A detailed response from the Member to ASATA shall be sent not later than 14 working days from the date of receipt of the dispute or the Member shall provide reasons for the delay.
Members shall make every effort to resolve any dispute, including acting as an intermediary where the customer has a dispute with a Partner or supplier, and the travel arrangements were booked through the Member.
Members shall advise Consumers of their right to refer the dispute to ASATA in the event of this not being resolved with the Member.